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English teaching position in a kindergarten in Xingyi , Guizhou

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Qiannan | Posted by:chinaexpat8808     Jul 04 10:14      share    Tel:13971621820     Working City:Qiannan   Hits:

Job Details:
1. Type of job: full-time (Providing work visa )
2. Location: Xingyi City, Guizhou , China

3. Start date: September
4. Teach 2- 6 years old student 

5.Working hours: 25-30 lessons/week , 30 mins/lesson , has office time.
6. Days off: weekend

Compensation & Benefits
  1.Salary:12k-15kRMB/Month after tax
  2. provide accommodation

3. 6k Airfare reimbursement to a contract completion.

4. half paid summer and winter vacation

Qualification &Requirements
1.native English  speaker 
2.Bachelor degree.
3.TESOL /TEFL/CELIA  certificate 
4.Having  related teaching experience 
5.22-45 years old 

Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 14296

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